Installing and Configuring the Java Plug-in for Java Applets
ActiveAssets uses the technology called Java in the Multiple Upload and Multiple Download applets. The Java plug-in is normally pre-installed in Windows and Macintosh OS computers, and then ActiveAssets can use Java with no problems. However, on some occasions, the Java plug-in may have been deleted, or it was not pre-installed in the first place. If this is the case, then the Java plugin must be installed. When installing, you may see the messages such as “You need to be an administrator to install this program”, or “This program has a digital certificate for authentication. Please authorize this program to run”.
The following will explain the compatibility and configurations needed with the Java plugin. This will be described for each computing platform that ActiveAssets supports.
What to do when you are asked to confirm the authentication certificate.
What to do if the ActiveAssets Multiple Upload and Download Applets are blank.
Note: Using Mac OSX - verifying your Java Applet configuration: Please make sure
that you have the correct configuration for Mac OS X and Java Applet.