ActiveAssets Client System and Configuration Requirements

The client machine that you plan to use with ActiveAssets must have the following software configuration as described below.

Note: ActiveAssets supports the latest releases of the following platforms and software.  We recommend that you update your system with the latest version of each that you use. You can verify if you have the latest version by checking the version number of the software you have, and comparing it to the most recent version provided by Sun, Microsoft or Apple. For example, the Java Plug-in version number is displayed as "JRE 1.4.2_1x", where x is the latest version number.

Note: For information about the Java plug-in and how to install it, please see the section on Installing the Java Plug-in.

Client Platforms:

Note: The Hot Folder and certain other features are not available for use on OS 9.

Client Software Requirements:

Note: The MS JVM is not supported.

Note: Internet Explorer is not supported on OS X.

Note: Microsoft made the following announcement concerning the end of support for Internet Explorer for OS 9:

To users of Internet Explorer for Mac OS 9


Because of this situation, we are trying to find where Internet Explorer 5.1 can be made available for download. However, currently there is no official place. (If this situation changes we will inform you as soon as we can). AA continues to support Mac OS X/Safari and in consideration of this situation we recommend that you use Macintosh OS X.

Note MRJ 2.2.6 is not supported.

Note: There may be times when AA is not available for use due to general network based problems that we cannot control.

Client Hardware Requirements: