ActiveAssets Client System and Configuration Requirements
The client machine that you plan to use with ActiveAssets must have the following software configuration as described below.
Note: ActiveAssets supports the latest releases of the following platforms and software. We recommend that you update your system with the latest version of each that you use. You can verify if you have the latest version by checking the version number of the software you have, and comparing it to the most recent version provided by Sun, Microsoft or Apple. For example, the Java Plug-in version number is displayed as "JRE 1.4.2_1x", where x is the latest version number.
Note: For information about the Java plug-in and how to install it, please see the section on Installing the Java Plug-in.
Client Platforms:
Windows 2000, XP
Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or later
Macintosh OS 9.2.2
Note: The Hot Folder and certain other features are not available for use on OS 9.
Windows 2000, XP
Web browser:Internet Explorer 6.0 and later
Settings for “Temporary Internet Files”: In the “General” tab of “Internet Options” Make sure that the setting for “Check for new versions of stored pages” is set to anything besides “Never” .
Java Plug-in: Sun Java Runtime Edition: JRE 1.4.2_1x or later (International version), or the latest version of JRE 1.5.0_xx (recommended).
Note: The MS JVM is not supported.
StuffIt Expander: Mac OS X version. When downloading items with compression, in order to decompress them you will need StuffIt Expander. (Depending on which version of Mac OS X you are running, StuffIt Expander may or may not be pre-installed).
Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or later
Web browser:Safari 1.2.3 or later.
Java Plug-in:Java 1.4.2 Plugin or later
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported on OS X.
Macintosh OS 9.2.2
Web browser:Internet Explorer 5.1.7
Java Plug-in:MRJ2.2.4 or MRJ2.2.5.
Download Options Settings: Make sure that “Automatically decode Mac Binary" is checked in the “Download Manager” section of the “Download Options” in the Preferences (in the Edit menu).
Note: Microsoft made the following announcement concerning the end of support for Internet Explorer for OS 9:
To users of Internet Explorer for Mac OS 9
Development for Internet Explorer for Mac has been canceled.
Product support has been suspended.
The browser is no longer available for download from the Microsoft Web site.
Because of this situation, we are trying to find where Internet Explorer 5.1 can be made available for download. However, currently there is no official place. (If this situation changes we will inform you as soon as we can). AA continues to support Mac OS X/Safari and in consideration of this situation we recommend that you use Macintosh OS X.
Note: MRJ 2.2.6 is not supported.
Please verify that the following browser-independent settings are set:
Cookies are activated
JavaScript is activated
Java Applets are activated
Note: There may be times when AA is not available for use due to general network based problems that we cannot control.
Client Hardware Requirements:
Memory: 256MB or more (512 or more is recommended). For OS 9, The Internet Explorer Memory partition needs to be 64MB or more.
Hardware System Specs that allow all of the software above to be run.